Friday, 31 October 2008


Hi Derek

Thanks for the response.......will leave you to talk it over.    Yes we have now admitted any interested 'Blues and Royals'...who were neither 'Blues' or 'Royals' if they have an interest in the history of one of their old regiments, we also admit 'Royals-Attached personel' and surviving family members of 'Royals'...but we do not admit ex-Blues......Blimey.!!!!!.....we even admitted "JENNYBOB".

All the best & stay lucky.......Mike. 

1 comment:

  1. Don't knock it Mike. The best thing that could have happened is Jenny Bob coming At least I keep you all on the straight and narrow. Anyway, who else would put up with you babies on here if not me...AND....who would referee objectively .... Jenny Bob of Hey Mike, just remembered....I may not be Blues, may not be Royals may not be Blues and Royals either but I was told 'from the TOP' that I'm Household there! makes me very Now bow your head as I walk Cheeky!

    Jenny Bob


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