Wednesday, 22 October 2008

11.11 2008

Due to unforseen circumstance`s,I have to inform EVERYONE that the service I WAS going to do on the 8.11 2008,has had to be cancelled,But our Chaplain is ALMOST certain she will be free to hold it on Tuesday the 11th of November,that is as long as a funeral does not come along then I will be able to do it,hope this has not COCKED up too many plans BUT I just cannot do it on the first date,if someone else wishes to do it on the Saturday PLEASE go ahead.
So Sorry again.
Brian Allen.

1 comment:

  1. As I see it there seems to be NO problem with the new date,if there is PLEASE let me know as I may?? be able to do one on the saturday but would rather it be a FULL Household Cavalry ASSN Service. Bri.


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