Thursday, 30 August 2007


NAVY                                      ARMY                              AIR FORCE
Heads                                        Bogs                                 Powder Room
Pit                                              Bunk                                 Queen Bed & Duvet
Pussers Cook                             Mess Cook                       Contract Chef
Wet                                            Brew                                 Double Espressso
No 4's                                         Civvies                              Casual attire
Seaman                                       Private                               Bobby/Jimmy
Chief                                           SSM                                  Timothy/Justin
Captain                                       Colonel                               Rupert/James
Defaulters                                    Orders                                The naughty step
Mess/Cabin                                 Barracks                             Self contained flat
Kecks                                          Underwear                         Knickers
DQ's                                             Detention                           Grounded
Lid/Cap                                        Beret                                  Optional
Stores                                           QM's Store                         Next for Men
Hammered                                     Pissed                                Oops, little tipsy
Detachment                                    Deployment                        Huh?
Die for your country                       Die for your mate                Die for air con
Shipmate/Oppo                              Mate/mucker                      Honey/Babe
Pussers Sandals                              JC sandals                          Patent leather shoes
SBS                                               SAS                                    Librarian
Shore Patrol                                   Monkeys                             Chaperones
Ooh Rah                                         Hoo Ah                               Jolly Good
Bag Meal                                        24 hr Ration Pack                Al La Carte
Chop one off                                   Salute                                   Wave
Parade Drill                                     Drill Practice                        What?
RNFT                                             BFT                                     Ping Pong Comp
EWO                                              RSM                                    OIC Cuddles
Midshipman                                     Officer Cadet                        Debutante
Jack Tar                                           Squaddy                               Raffy Chappy

Sunday, 26 August 2007

Thursday, 23 August 2007


In the year 2007 the Lord came unto Noah, who was now living in England and said "Once again, the earth has become wicked and over-populated, and I see the end of all flesh before me.  Build me another Ark and save two of every living thing along with a few good humans".
He gave Noah the drawing, saying "You have 6 months to build the Ark before I start the unending rain for 40 days and 40 nights".
Six months later, the Lord looked down and saw Noah weeping in his yard - but no Ark.    "Noah" he roared, "I'm about to start the rain!   Where is the Ark?
"Forgive me, Lord" begged Noah, "but things have changed.   Although I had no problem getting Outline Planning Permission to build it on a flood plain, I need Building Regulations Approval and I've been arguing with the Fire Brigade about the need for a sprinkler system.   My neighbours claim that I should have obtained planning permission to build the Ark in my garden because it is development of the site, even though in my view it is a temporary structure.   We then had to go to appeal to the Secretary of State for a decision.
Then the Department of Transport demanded a bond be posted for the future costs of moving power lines and other overhead obstructions to clear the passage for the Ark's move to the sea.   I told them that the sea would be coming to us, but they would hear nothing of it.
Getting the wood was another problem.   All the decent trees have Tree Preservation Orders on them and we live in a Site of Special Scientific Interest set up in order to protect the spotted owl.   I tried to convince the environmentalists that I need the wood to save the owls - but no go!
When I started gathering the animals, the RSPCA sued me.   They insisted that I was confining wild animals against their will.   They argued the accommodation was too restrictive, and it was cruel and inhumane to put so many animals in a confined space.
Then the County Council, the Environment Agency and the Rivers Authority ruled that I couldn't build the Ark until they conducted an environmental impact study on your proposed flood.   I'm still trying to resolve a complaint with the Equal Opportunities Commission on how many disabled Polish carpenters I'm supposed to hire for my building team.
The Trades Unions say I can't use my sons.   They insist I have to hire only accredited workers with Ark building experience.
To make matters worse, HM Revenue & Customs seized all my assets, claiming I'm trying to flee the country illegally with endangered species.   So, forgive me, Lord, but it will take at least 10 years for me to finish the Ark".
Suddenly the skies cleared, the sun began to shine, and a rainbow stretched across the sky.
Noah looked up in wonder and asked "You mean you're not going to destroy the world"
"No" said the Lord.   It looks like Blair and Brown have beat me to it.


For those of us who have problems, we may not be as dumb as we think.   Spare a thought for some of these people, who contacted Technical Support:-
Tech Support     Click on the 'my computer icon' on the left of the screen.
Customer     Your left or my left
Customer    I have problem printing in red
Tech Support    Do you have a colour printer?
Customer     Aaaah ................ thank you
Customer     My keyboard is not working
Tech Support     Are you sure it's plugged into the computer
Customer     No, I can't get behind the computer
Tech Support     Pick up the keyboard and walk 10 paces back
Customer      OK
Tech Support     Did the keyboard come with you
Customer     Yes
Tech Support     That means the keyboard is not plugged in
Customer     I'm writing my very first email
Tech Support    OK, and what seems to be the problem
Customer     Well, I have the letter 'a' in the address, but how do I get the circle round it.

Monday, 6 August 2007


Dont forget its your sons birthday on the 28th Derek

Friday, 3 August 2007

Thursday, 2 August 2007


Are there any gentlemenn of the Singapore vintage,who has any pictures of  the Gurhkas chopping off  buffaloes and goates heads in their kukri competions my oldman had loads ,since lost in time ,I can remember seeing them doing them           on the drill square as their Pipe Band played on, There must be loads of Singapore, Malaya.......Stuart


A boy fiy sees a cute girl fly land on a pile of turd. He buzzes down and says, Excuse me, miss is this Stool taken.


Ireland's worst air disaster occurred early this morning, when a small two-seater Cessan plane crashed into a cemetery.   Irish search and rescue workers have recovered 1826 bodies so far.   They expect the number to increase, as digging continues into the night.