Thursday, 2 August 2007


Are there any gentlemenn of the Singapore vintage,who has any pictures of  the Gurhkas chopping off  buffaloes and goates heads in their kukri competions my oldman had loads ,since lost in time ,I can remember seeing them doing them           on the drill square as their Pipe Band played on, There must be loads of Singapore, Malaya.......Stuart


  1. Stuart, When i get round to it i will put some up,as i told you i knew your very well. Fred.

  2. Stuart, I have posted the photo's you mentioned, under my pictures Fred.

  3. there are some sick people in this world

  4. Evening gents they had to practice their Knife skills but those animals were not wasted it was to the Curry pot or SATE and peanut and Chillie Sauce and we all like a Malayaian  curry,

  5. I am sure they could have practiced there knife skills on other things.not on defenceless animals and call it sport[how about them selves  

  6. I have some of those only they are from the 1/7th D.E. G . Rifles which DB who was attached to A Sqn in 62 when they did the deed think they had a lot of squaddies coming to lunch
    but it seem Fred has already posted .


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