Tuesday, 25 October 2011

Sergeant Thomas Mealling


  1. Jim, I am sorry that I did not come and meet you in Shifnal on the day, so many things going on with the family as I think I may have been at Lincoln at the time, as I have a daughter that lives there. I did not realise that you lived in Norfolk as I was that way a few weeks ago. I must say the plaque looks great also, it looks very impressive.

    John Atkins

  2. A Thomas Hardy soldier ,Far from the Madding Crowd the Sgt in the field doing sabre drill to impress

  3. I hope the memorial plaque is not made out of metal Jim? Too many metal thieves around today! We lost about a dozen recently, only I'm pleased to say the thieves were caught and most of the plaques rturned.

    Blimey, so he would have been 32 years-of-age when he and the regiment marched from Suffolk to Edinburgh. Covering some 600 miles in 90 days, which works out to about 8 miles per hour!

  4. Nice one JIM pity you did not have your photo taken standing by the side of it. once again the ROYALS let down by the BLUES/ROYALS not sending anyone to represent the Regiment
    regards derek leese

  5. I wonder how many more are laid to rest in quiet corners of the land?

  6. Have they no shame? Thieves take bronze statue of WWII soldier from Tidworth war memorial. (Strange I should have mentioned metal thieves earlier!)

    Read: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2054006/Thieves-bronze-statue-WWII-soldier-garrison-towns-war-memorial.html#ixzz1bzVMabqE

  7. They should be put against the wall and shot when they are found but then that would be too good for them, they are just the low life of the country.

    John Atkins

  8. You would think the Police the long arm of Human right s
    Would strech out too the nearest Scrap metal dealer , but they most likey think that
    is not our problem covered by Data protection ,

  9. Always say - hand 'em over the the medical researchers instead of those poor dumb animals they use,maybe they can find out what makes these creatures tick?


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