Thursday, 20 October 2011

Nothing to do...

I'm very disapointed and very depressed at the moment. Firstly my good mate, who I used to have quite fireside talks with, discussing the wrongs of the world and how he could put things right, was cold bloodly murdered by those nasty war-mongering Americans. And now my mentor of all things holy. No longer will I be able to enjoy a crunchy crystalized camel crap sandwich under the stars in Tripoli; washed down with a frothing cup of fermenting goats pee. I hope that nasty man at Number 10 is happy with what he has contributed too. I no longer have the friendship of two of the wisest individuals whoever walked upon this sorry earth.
I am truly gutted........


  1. Amnesty International has called on the NTC to make public information about how Colonel al-Gaddafi died. Amnesty International said it was essential to conduct a full, independent and impartial inquiry to establish the circumstances of Colonel al-Gaddafi’s death and ensure that all those suspected of human rights abuses and war crimes, including Colonel al-Gaddafi's inner circle and family members, are treated humanely and, IF CAPTURED, given fair trials!

    I hope this helps in your time of need Roger.

  2. ""FAIR TRIALS"" when has the rule of law ever been applied by the Rag Head Community.

    We have our own COMMUNITIES in our country as you are well aware, when has there ever been due process where they are concerned. The BOMB, GUN,and HONOUR FEUDS have been their way of life for centuries and always will be. Send them all back to the country of their Grand-parents birth and let's see how they get on.

  3. Well Roger, Saddam Hussein had a fair trial before being executed for crimes against humanity, and just like Muammar Gaddafi, he too was ‘caught like a rat’ in a grubby old bolt-hole!

  4. I wonder what the Russians would have done with Hitler had he not committed suicide? I think I know what they might have done to Eva Braun!

  5. "CAUGHT LIKE A RAT IN A GRUBBY BOLT-HOLE" this could never be, I'm sure he was making "a strategic withdrawal" seeking the natural cover for concealment.

  6. "CAUGHT LIKE A RAT IN A GRUBBY BOLT-HOLE" this could never be, I'm sure he was making "a strategic withdrawal" seeking the natural cover for concealment.

  7. I wonder how those who were shaking his hand and kissing him a short time ago feel like now.Now you don't suppose that had anything to do with his oil - or - ???????But we have plenty of the same sort in their pin-strips suits around Europe!

  8. The Pin Stripes were out there years ago. George Osborn MP was doing his bit to get whatever he could. Not too sure what his intentions were at the time. Everyone will be sniffing around for business deals the same way as Iraq. Cameron was quick out of the starting blocks offering HELP and ASSISTANCE. God knows how much it has cost in real terms as to financial commitment for the forces that were operating out there although it has been for a short term. How long are the tax payers going to be paying for it. It could have paid for the two aircraft carriers that are under construction. Or paid the salaries for a year for the service personnel that are being axed. The mind boggles at the ineptitude of the powers that be. Bring back the Royals, we can sort it out.

  9. Wonder what when the "bankers revolution" comes they will call the protesters,bet its not Freedom Fighters or Rebels,then it will be "terrorists" or"Commies".And if ever I saw countries like Egypt and Libya jumping out of the frying pan into the fire - then thats it!Might be wrong - time will tell!By that time we will be down to one rowing boat,one glider,and the girl guides!

  10. I have seen in our local paper that one of our local MP's is calling for Libya to pay the money back that it has cost us the tax payers to get rid of Gaddafi as he say's they are a rich country with all there oil that they can afford it.

    John Atkins

  11. Come on chaps don't spoil our party,, it's the Rugby World Cup match today don't spoil the party.Go The All Blacks .

  12. What year did we send our Cents to Libya, I know when they came back we spent weeks getting sand & rust out of them?.

  13. I see NZ did it again!Well done.

  14. Don thanks for your reply. We are all celebrating and thinking of spending our money in Greece to help boost their economy !.Don

  15. Well don't forget to take about 500 milliarden Euros with you,that will last 'em about 6 months.

  16. Well done to the All Blacks. Imagine what being a Welshman living in France has been like over the last two weeks.....anyway its only a game (or is it?). My nephew has played for Wales (loose head prop) and I dont think I'd care say that to him !!!!

  17. My brother in Upper Hutt,Wellington,must be celebrating too,can't get a peep out of him!

  18. Not so sure "All Blacks" might not be considered a racist term here Roger. Glad to see the lady with the golliwog in her window has had all charges against her dropped. For those of you who served in Egypt, read on -

  19. Well, this is surely going from the sublime to the ridiculas!!!!!!!!!
    By golli!!!!

  20. I have just read the publication regarding the GOLLIWOG issue. What a load of crud that is. I notice that the lady concerned is one our "colonial cousins" quote "The businesswoman and mother of two, who has Jamaican roots, said the sight of it left her ‘shocked and upset’. Oh dear what a shame. Get over it dear, and stop wasting tax payers money on a stupid cause. Maybe we should leave battered brief cases laying around with a turban on top and a notice claiming tick-tock to see if that would cause a racist remark..........

  21. If Nelson falls off his column soon it won't surprise me a bit!


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