Thursday, 2 June 2011


Welcome to the bulletin board Sammy.hope you enjoy what you see.
this link is being run by Sammy,s daughter SUE so welcome SUE hope you get the old man moving im sure he will enjoy it


  1. Welcome to BB Sammy. You were my first contact with Royals as you took us on a 2 weeks drill; course to get us up to Royals standard. T hat was in Feb 57 in A Sqn .
    Regards John Kelly

  2. lets hope that wse hear lots more from Sammy

  3. Welcom to the ROYALS bb i am sure you will like it

  4. Welcome Sammy to the BB you must have many stories you can tell us all.

    John Atkins

  5. Welcome Sammy to the BB I remember the name well but can't put a face to the name at the moment, perhaps when we hear a little more about you and an old photo It will come back to me.
    Keith Shaw A Sqn 56-58

  6. Keith if you look in the PHOTO,s on the BB you will find a few of SAMMY
    regards derek leese

  7. Many thanks Derek hope to see you on the 19th June.
    Regards Keith Shaw.

  8. Welcome to the BB Sammy. Maybe I can now confirm that our paths first crossed 1n 1955 in Hadrians Camp when Sammy was in the Life/ Horse Guards along with RCM Humphries and others.????

  9. Another face from the past.Welcome Sammy.

  10. Now Gents, run with me on this one as I have to relay these messages to my dad and note his responses. I am in Essex and Dad is in Devon, but I will be back with you all soon. Regards Sam's daughter Sue

  11. Hello Sammy and a big warm welcome to the BB from me , and welcome to Sue i hope you get the response you want.
    john (jp)

  12. Hi, Dad confirms that he was that 'Drill Pig' in Wesendorf at that time. I cant believe they had that nickname. Made me laugh and Dad to. x

  13. Hi Graham. Your paths did in deed cross at Hadrians Camp up near Carlisle. He tells me he was a Drill Pig!
    He was corting my mother at that time and she would also travel up to see him there. x

  14. Welcome to the BB Sammy, hope you enjoy the memories. had the privilage of being a member of 'CSqn' when you were the SSM after Peter Ransom (RIP). Good times.
    You might like to visit the other Royals website @: wher you will find a few more friends no doubt.
    A warm welcome to you as well Sue.
    Terry Sussex (776)

  15. Hi Sue, can you ask your dad is it him or CoH Ward on my 55/11 intake photo ( Drill Squad) on page 8 in photo section.?? And could he name the 11th Hussars Sgt ( wireless wing) photo.?

  16. And of course a great welcome from your old comrade Don,remember that Carp up at Hohne?

  17. Hi there Sammy,
    Happy memories from the bedding store to the Bucket of ?
    Regards Phil Hayward

  18. Hi Phil, Dad tells me this was all about providing a drinking club for the soldiers as you were not in such a army friendly place? He say's 'the bucket' was one of the finest Ladies toilets ever designed. Dad needs you to remind him of the 'bedding store' connection!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  19. Obviously my spell as his storeman in NeeSoon, when he was SQMS and Joe T was SSM, was not as memorable for him as it was for me. LOL
    Best regards

  20. I watched the Trooping of the Colour yesterday, I thought their drill timings/dressings left them way behind 55/11 intake at 67th Trg. Regt thanks to our "Drill Pigs" eg CoH Simpson whose Timing shout/ I shall never forget. was one--tup-three--one instead of (1--2-3--1 ).


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