Monday, 13 June 2011

conservation of bumblebees

Just been reading a field guide to Bumblebees, I  always thought that a bumblebee was a bumblebee but I have discovered that there are about 25 species in the UK alone some of them are endangered ,indeed one species has ,last year been declared extinct , this is a book dedicated to conservation ! one way to identify them,the reader is told , (for scientific reasons ) is to extract its genitalia with a pair of tweezers, the bee must be dead to do this, to kill a bumblebee we are told the following is;_ "  the safest & most humane way , put the bee in a glass tube and place it in a domestic freezer for 2 hours ". 

dose the poor thing suffocate or freeze to death ?  imagine someone advocating this method for a cat or dog or even the countries that still have capital punishment using this method . what an outcry this would produce. that is a strange way of conservation,anyway what pervert needs to look at a bumble bees genitals.


  1. Trust you to come up with something weird like that Frank,anyway I think its a load of balls.

    Butch Ward

  2. Thanks for the info; and I always thought one ߮ϩk was much the same as another? Goes to show how you can be fooled these days eh frank?

  3. Frank, Must be the same Perverts who ask why is it crual to sew buttons on flys lol.

  4. Do you know that song "Be my little baby bumble bee"?And I always thought those bumbles could'nt sting?

  5. Don its seems only the Queens and some of the drones can sting. and when they do they die ,probably because they rip their genitals out . incidentally the group that have become extinct in the UK are to be replaced with the same sort from new zealand ,a case of out of the earthquake and into the freezer.

  6. Don I know the old beer bar song "in to the woods he did go ßßß666 ßßß....when along came a bee, now go away you bummble bee I aint no rose I aint no ....... flower get off my ..... nose I,ll sing it to you on your next birthdayif you like. frank

  7. Ah yes - now I remember that bit - "get orf my flippin nose"!!!!!Got some bumbles as big as sparrows this year,must be the hot summer!

  8. Yes Stan we had that problem here as well the gable end of our house used to be covered by the jap ladybirds in the spring when they came out of hibernation but this year not a sign of them only the euro ones , I suspect that they went back to Japan for the winter and got caught up in the sad events that they had there. its either that or the hornets nests I have . frank

  9. Those ladybirds can be really viscous too,and bite when they are short of food.I was fishing once on a lake,a tiddler(bait)got out of my keepbox on the bank,and when I discovered him the lady birds had eaten him to the bone!Had a "rise" of ladybords out of my lawn last week,where they went is a mystery,none to see now.Maybe they are looking for water? - the drought here continues!

  10. As the 'Zummerzet' man said "what bee I doin' bumblin' along readin' such tripe. Tell me that".

  11. Well Paddy ,as they do say next door in Darsett (Dorset to you )
    " Its a darn fool as writes it but a bigger darn fool as reads it you. Frank

  12. ...":".":"...".:.""""".:.":".:.".:.."".:."""".."~" "~"...

    Translated means "Buzz Off"

  13. EJs favourite creature - BUMblebee!!!!!Very quiet on here,no doubt lots of thick heads on the way home,bet you had a great time,sleep well!!!!


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