Tuesday, 17 May 2011

Yorkshire Air Museum


  1. I found these in the car park of the Yorkshire Air Museum!

  2. What Div markings are shown, any ideas???

  3. Red over Blue with a Royal crest in the center??

    See new photo no10

  4. Thanks Stan for the great photos certainly brought back a few memories

    Butch Ward

  5. If this Chieftain is the original prototype I was at Bovi when it was on evaluation. It was parked in an open fronted hanger during the day with an armed guard, at night there was no one on guard. Maybe the powers that be at the time didn't think it would been seen between sunset and sunrise. Looks like our former counterparts only worked from 9 - 5. The mind boggles!!!

  6. I was at Bovi at the same time at the equipment trials wing when the chieftan was doing trials at loworth ranges, I was with the team doing trials on the stalwarrt hmlc 1964 at the time. No one could get any where near it They were useing one of our trials trucks to carry the ammo to the ranges.

    Buch Ward

  7. If my memory serves me right, I think Vic Tolhurst was at Bovi at the same time, maybe he can confirm??? Also Joe Sandland was down there, and Lou Petts is the only other Royal that I can remember. I can remember that we all used to go to the BOVI CLUB on a Thursday night?? when there used to be a bit of a dance and the local talent was bussed in from around the area. Oh happy days......

  8. I think thats the War office div sign,all units and personell under direct control of the War office had this sign.

  9. I only remember BOVI vaguely circa '59 when the band was billeted there and I think before they had the tank museum. As I recall we ended up on the ranges at Castle Martin (Wales) with RAF & Royal Navy personnel all under canvas! Now that was something - Sing, Sing, Sing or show your ring was the order of the day! I went back to the Bovington museum a few years ago and videoed a Saladin in the 'Borneo Confrontation' display. Has anybody been there since and seen it?

  10. Oh you remember that too do you



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