Friday, 20 May 2011

This my view as well !!

Maybe if we circulate this amongst ourselves in Canada, USA & UK, WE will find the courage to start speaking and voicing the same truths.

Australia says NO - Second Time she has done this !

If you agree please SEND THIS ON and ON, to as many people asyou know

AMAZING You must read it !!!!
She's done it again..
She sure isn't backing down on her hard line stance and one has to appreciate her belief in the rights of her native countrymen..
A breath of fresh air to see someone lead. I wish some leaders would step up in Canada & USA & UK.

Australian Prime Minister does it again!!

This woman should be appointed Queen of the World.. Truer words have never been spoken.

It took a lot of courage for this woman to speak what she had to say for the world to hear. The retribution could be phenomenal, but at least she was willing to take a stand on her and Australia 's beliefs.

The whole world needs a leader like this!
Prime Minister Julia Gillard - Australia

Muslims who want to live under Islamic Sharia law were told on Wednesday to get out of Australia , as the government targeted radicals in a bid to head off potential terror attacks..

Separately, Gillard angered some Australian Muslims on Wednesday by saying she supported spy agencies monitoring the nation's mosques. Quote:

I am tired of this nation worrying about whether we are offending some individual or their culture. Since the terrorist attacks on Bali , we have experienced a surge in patriotism by the majority of Australians. '

'This culture has been developed over two centuries of struggles, trials and victories by millions of men and women who have sought freedom'

'We speak mainly ENGLISH, not Spanish, Lebanese, Arabic, Chinese, Japanese, Russian, or any other language. Therefore, if you wish to become part of our society . Learn the language!'

'Most Australians believe in God. This is not some Christian, right wing, political push, but a fact, because Christian men and women, on Christian principles, founded this nation, and this is clearly documented It is certainly appropriate to display it on the walls of our schools. If God offends you, then I suggest you consider another part of the world as your new home, because God is part of our culture.'

'We will accept your beliefs, and will not question why All we ask is that you accept ours, and live in harmony and peaceful enjoyment with us.'

'This is OUR COUNTRY, OUR LAND, and OUR LIFESTYLE, and we will allow you every opportunity to enjoy all this. But once you are done complaining, whining, and griping about Our Flag, Our Pledge, Our Christian beliefs, or Our Way of Life, I highly encourage you take advantage of one other great Australian freedom, 'THE RIGHT TO LEAVE'.'

'If you aren't happy here then LEAVE. We didn't force you to come here. You asked to be here. So accept the country YOU accepted.'

Maybe if we circulate this amongst ourselves in Canada, USA & UK, WE will find the courage to start speaking and voicing the same truths.


  1. We ain't got anyone with that much gut in Europe - of that I'm sure!!!

  2. it was never said,otherwise the ausie papers would have been full of the interview between tom jones and costello.thats more the truth.

  3. Did she really make that speech? Can it be verified?.

  4. That Roger has serious race undertones . the Muslims it states do not believe in God . what rubbish. its also very fitting. as today is the anniversary of our sons suicide driven to it by a racist German teacher, thank you for that

  5. The above statement is reported to have been written by a US Airforce Veteran re Snopes:-

  6. Roger,
    If only she had said it she would have support of the majority of Australians (not 19% !!! as in the latest opinion poll). The woman and her party are a walking catastrophe. They are a minority government in power with the support of two Coalition turncoats, one Green and one Tasmanian idiot who wants everybody who uses a 'Poker machine' to have a licence!
    Thank God you in the U.K. voted against 'Proportional Representation'. Otherwise you might have ended up with the predicament we face in every election.
    Do what 'Coggy' says. Google that interview.
    kev (in Queensland)

  7. The truth always hurts!!!!

  8. On the morning of the tercentenary parade in Ipoh I was put aboard an air India 707 and being flown home (compassionate leave ) on this plane I was sat next to an old german who had lived in Australia since 1929 , the amazing thing was he spoke not one word of english it transpired that he lived in a village full of germans and had no reason to learn it, why then did no one want to chuck him out, how many of the australian people speak the language of the Aboriginals ? to each his own I suppose.

  9. Frank,
    As you say, "Each to his own". There are over 400 (plus) distinct Aboriginal groups in Oz. Each speaking their own language or dialect. Which one do want Australians to learn?
    They (the Aboriginals) are as much a nation as the : English, Germans, Dutch, Danish, Greeks, Poles etc. are a nation

  10. I'm beginning to regret putting the item up, just to make things perfectly clear, I AM NOT RACIST. I do believe that I have the right to complain about having ISLAM rammed down my throat all the time.
    If those individuals wish to walk around our country wearing what is perfectly normal in the country of their birth, that's fine with me. What I don't like is all of the bleating of these individuals that are trying to impress their religious beliefs on others. Islam is supposed to be a religion of peace, not being taught how to make I E D's.

    I lived in St. Albans some years ago, you might remember that the IRA tried to bomb the Regimental Band when they gave a concert in the Civic Center. I heard the blast and the windows of my house rattled from the blast. I can only quote what has been written previously
    'We will accept your beliefs, and will not question why All we ask is that you accept ours, and live in harmony and peaceful enjoyment with us.'

    'This is OUR COUNTRY, OUR LAND, and OUR LIFESTYLE, and we will allow you every opportunity to enjoy all this. But once you are done complaining, whining, and griping about Our Flag, Our Pledge, Our Christian beliefs, or Our Way of Life, I highly encourage you take advantage of one other great Australian/British freedom, 'THE RIGHT TO LEAVE'.'

  11. You have really opened a can of worms, as this subject is . Opinions , excuses, reasons ,everyone will differ. If youare asking for comments on the alleged speech then you must prove that it was made. There seems to be some doubt about it.

  12. Rodger, please don't feel guilty over putting this subject on this blog its perfectly legit, and as you can see it has woken people up and we have a discussion going on I'm sure J.A. is chuffed
    to bits,it just what is needed. please don't think that I was calling you racist my comments were for the politician who made them in the beginning ,on reflection though I think that racist-ism was perhaps the wrong word xenophobia would have been more fitting, frank

  13. While I think about it, WHERE'S OUR NEW NATIONAL DEFENSE MEDAL THEN ???????????

    “This medal recognises the contribution service personnel have made to the safety, security, peace and freedom that all New Zealanders enjoy today,” About 30 recipients will receive their medals from Minister of Veterans’ Affairs Judith Collins and Defence Minister Wayne Mapp.

    read on......

  14. re "This woman should be appointed Queen of the World.. Truer words have never been spoken"

    My view is that if she were then we would we would all get formal permission to wear the PJM, and other medals for our time in Malaya..... because this 'Muppet' government, just like the last one hasn't got the 'balls' to do anything about it. (not to mention the EU) Amen

  15. Frank
    Xenophobia is defined as the "hatred or fear of foreigners or strangers or of their politics or culture".

    I wouldn't say that I was XENOPHOBIC, my view remains the same, if a person decides that he wants to live in a country where perhaps the values, laws, culture, education and lifestyle are to that persons advantage, he or she should be grateful that he/she is being admitted to that country; and except those laws and values. I have business interests in Bulgaria, as you know a former communist state, and our former enemy!! I get on well with the locals and bear them no malice at all; so therefore XENOPHOBIA is a wrong diagnosis.

    Most of the countries in Europe are Christian counties, not Islamic states, Sharia Law has no place in the constitutions of these European States.

    France has a big problem with immigrants from their former colonies, Britain has the same problem. Our problem stems from the former British Empire. Idi Amin decided that he didn't want the Asians in Uganda, they were the backbone of commerce, generating most of the income for the country. When they were expelled where did they go ? right here to the good old UK, they were admitted because they had UK passports, why didn't they go to Asia. Probably because they didn't want to live in a 3rd world society.

    Immigrants from all over the world are allowed to settle in the UK. There are 92 different languages spoken every day in London. How many of these immigrants aren't milking the system for what they can get out of it. I don't blame them for doing it, it's all to easy. Successive namby pamby governments have allowed it to happen.

    I reiterate my former statement. I do not want to be bombarded with anti British propaganda by a few individuals who think they are being hard done by because 80% of the population do not worship Allah. Have you been to the Regents Park area of London on a Friday, the biggest Mosque in Europe is there. Hundreds of Muslims pray on a Friday. Traffic jams outside some of the small Mosques are not uncommon. The Police even stop traffic entering some streets whilst our colonial cousins are allowed to commune with their GOD.

    No I'm not racist, I have a coloured grand-child, I want to be able to speak to someone in my own native tongue without having to resort to Urdu, Arabic and the other 90 languages, is that too much to ask for????

  16. To the point without being racist .....

    Hit the nail on the head!!

    An incident occurred in a supermarket recently, when the following was witnessed: A Muslim woman dressed in a Burkha (A black gown & face mask) was standing with her shopping in a queue at the checkout. When it was her turn to be served, and as she reached the cashier, she made a loud remark about the English Flag lapel pin, which the female cashier was wearing on her blouse.

    The cashier reached up and touched the pin and said, 'Yes, I always wear it proudly. My son serves abroad with the forces and I wear it for him'.

    The Muslim woman then asked the cashier when she was going to stop bombing and killing her countrymen, explaining that she was Iraqi.

    At that point, a Gentleman standing in the queue stepped forward, and interrupted with a calm and gentle voice, and said to the Iraqi woman: 'Excuse me, but hundreds of thousands of men and women, just like this lady's son have fought and sacrificed their lives so that people just like YOU can stand here, in England, which is MY country and allow you to blatantly accuse an innocent check-out cashier of bombing YOUR countrymen'. 'It is my belief that if you were allowed to be as outspoken as that in Iraq, which you claim to be YOUR country, then we wouldn't need to be fighting there today'. 'However - now that you have learned how to speak out and criticize the English people who have afforded You the protection of MY country, I will gladly pay the cost of a ticket to help you pay your way back to Iraq'. 'When you get there, and IF you manage to survive for being as outspoken as you are here in England, then you should be able to help straighten out the mess which YOUR Iraqi countrymen have got you into in the first place, which appears to be the reason that YOU have come to MY country to avoid....'

    Apparently the queue cheered and applauded.

  17. Well I’m not going to comment ‘in public’ on this Islam thing except to say I’ve managed to keep off ‘Jankers’ for a very long time now! As for the above story; In April 2006 a Canadian version (in which the lapel pin was changed to one of the Canadian flag) began circulating — in it, the son in the military that reported the incident to his mother was said to be "still in Canada" (as opposed to the original e-mail's "still stateside in California"). July 2007 versions of the Canadian form of the tale changed that to his being stationed in "Ontario," with April 2009 versions altering that to "Ontario, Canada." and ending “God Bless America and Our Troops” So until that cashier or another customer in the store comes forward I’ll take this one with a pinch of salt thank you.

    I remember during my last stint as a Poppy Appeal Collector (Tesco West Midlands) two muslin women wearing black robes and headscarf put a substantial amount of money into my collecting tin, but neither took nor wore a Poppy in return. So I guess the moral of my story here is “don’t tar every Muslim with the same brush”. This story is at least factual.

  18. Stan
    I appreciate what you have said, I also have met some very nice Moslims who wouldn't harm anything or anybody, I have 3 that live within 50 metres of me.

    It isn't the majority that worries me it's the minority !!!

  19. There are some good and bad in every race,there are also some very good,and some very bad!!!!
    At the risk of upsetting some - it has always been my view that the world would be better place without religeon(?)

  20. At least more comments were printed here than in the above.

    1) About a year ago there was an article in my local newspaper about a well respected middle-aged accountant who perhaps foolishly told a Muslim woman to "Go home and wear something English" or words to that effect. He too insisted he was not being racist. Nonetheless the court saw differently and sentenced him to 18 months imprisonment, despite the fact that he had a clean criminal record and a wife and two children to support. HAD HE PLEADED GUILTY IN THE FIRST INSTANCE (Ken Clark's argument) then he may have received a lighter sentence. However, he pleaded 'Not Guilty' because HE GENUINELY BELIEVED HE WAS NOT BEING RACIST.

    2) Also in the Daily Mail today is another article which says "Possessed teenager who stabbed Mother five times is allowed to walk free from court because of her belief in the occult that led her to do it”.

    Please tell me, what is it about a person's belief whereby one is sent to prison and the other is set free??? A good example of the system being racist here I think?

    3) A few years ago my step-son was taking a degree course at Wolverhampton University whereupon he was arrested and charged with a racist offence. So where do children turn to when their in trouble? Precisely. The first thing I wanted to listen to was the recording of his Interview tape, and then everything else fell into place. The tape recording was “googliegook” that’s to say it was a multi-layered recording of incomprehensible Police C&%p. According to Wolverhampton Police they now have to record onto old previously used tapes because they can no longer get new ones as cassettes are now obsolete (Solicitors won’t tell you this by the way) So much for the Data Protection Act. (I’ll put it on You Tube one day, that’ll teach ‘em all). Most of the recorded interview is centred on the fact that he referred to one person as being Black and another person as being White. Well Hello there? Repeating the words black & white are now considered to be racist eh? Needless to say, the whole thing was thrown out AFTER A TWO DAY HEARING IN WOLVERHAMPTON COURT!!!!!! What a waste of time and money. So why didn't’ he defend himself? Because he’s dyslexic, that’s to say he couldn't read or write and was using their specialist computer-aided system to help him during this course. &HE WAS AN EASY TARGET!

  21. OK, let me set you all straight. Ms Gillard DID NOT say that, it was John Howard who said it and now someone is spreading it around that she said it and while Kevin Rudd was PM it was sent around that he said it. All she says is "tax, tax and more tax" on anything and everything, from mining tax to carbon tax. All Rudd ever said was how well he can speak Cantonese! Her popularity in Australia is very rapidly reaching zero and the only way she got in to be PM is because 2 out of 3 Independent party members put her in office because she promised them a portfolio...could have promised them more but that is all that we know about. Promised flood victims financial support and now she wants to bring in a flood relief tax on the taxpayers. Like Rudd, she likes her overseas travel for herself and her 'partner' so the only way to get these paid for trips before the money runs out of the coffers, which the Howard government built up, is to introduce more taxes on the tax payers so she can benefit from it. Do I like her...obviously NOT! She's definitely not the right person to be PM.


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