Wednesday, 15 September 2010

Cyprus 1964

Can anyone tell me if the lads who were sent out to Cyprus in 1964 for a few months were entitled to a medal, whether it be a campaign clasp or a UN one? Thanks, John.



  1. Hi John -- Originally we were told we couldn't!t have one.
    In the late 80s I was on the internet and read we could now be issued the UN Medal for Cyprus 1964.
    I contacted the Army Medal Office? Downloaded the relevant form. Posted the completed form with a photocopy of my service in Cyprus.
    I received an acknowledging letter and was informed my application would be passed on to the UN Dept. dealing with Medal applications.

    I then sat back and waited and waited,and waited. Approx 10 yrs waiting I received a very nice letter and box containing my UN Medal for service with the United Nations Peace Force in Cyprus.

    Best Regards Doug.

    ps. Dates may not be accurate. It was a long time ago. (Dementia does set in.)

  2. Hi Doug, thanks for your reply. Very much appreciated. I'm glad you got was was rightfully yours! I wonder if anyone else applied for the UN medal?
    Very best regards, John

  3. General Service Medal 1918-62 with clasp Cyprus started on 1 April 1955 & finished 18 April 1959 & was awarded after 120 days service. The UN medal for Cyprus was awarded from 1964 & is still being awarded. Service initially for 30 days but now increased to 90 days.

  4. Thanks for that info Bandrat. Do you know of other 'Royals' claiming their UN medal for Cyprus like Doug (above) ?

  5. I only know of a few lads getting the UN MEDAL
    I wrote to the GEN SEC UN and sent my details 2 years later i recieved my MEDAL
    mind i did go back to CYPRUS for a short time and this was taken into account
    regards DEREK

  6. All I remember of UN work in Cyprus was that I did not have a rest day for all the time I was there. Plus if I remember correctly the arm band badge was sewn on in reverse.

  7. Thanks gentlemen for all your replies. Very much appreciated.

  8. are there any more members on the BB who have the UN MEDAL come on lads there must be a few of you
    regards DEREK LEESE

  9. I applied to the medals office but was told that my time spent the was not long enough?

  10. I cannot understand. A & C Sqns. Royals. served the same tour in Cyprus in 1964.
    Some of us received the UN Cyprus Medal and some did not. I understood that our initial service at the request of the Cyprus Govt. as Peace Keeping Force was taken into account.

    Regards Doug.

    ps. I know that Blues & Royals served varios tours as UN Peacekeepers after Amalgamation.

  11. No but my brother did get the UN 'Butchers Apron' for Korea. Similar circumstances I understand ( British Korean Medal discontinued). Go for it Lads!

  12. John,
    We took over from the Para Armoured car Sqn.I was in the A Squadron party to Cyprus in 1964, We were stationed at Episcopi. I was running the vehicle spares on behalf of the QM Tech.According to my service record I was there from 1st Feb 64 to 18 April 64 which according to my reckoning was 2and ahalf months. Bradish Ellmes was Squadron Leader and despite his efforts we were not there long enough to qualify.

    Regards John Louch

  13. Hi John, thanks for your comments. Seems like you only missed out by a couple of weeks! Seems odd that some did get it but most didn't. I wonder if it would be worth applying again? After all these years they may not be quite so strick and might give you all what you deserve!

  14. As far as I can remember c sqn did but A sqn who were first over did not we did not wear the Blue Beret long enough.I understand Bradish Elems tried very hard to get it for us though.

  15. John, Managed to get mine when I went out with the 16th5th in 1974. We were flown out in a panic and finished up facing the Turks across the wire on Nicosia Airport. Medals presented by the General in charge of the UN at the time before we left. Even then we only spent 3 months then. before returning to go to BAOR. Never did get the bar to my GSM for Cyprus
    Regards John Louch.

  16. John, Managed to get mine when I went out with the 16th5th in 1974. We were flown out in a panic and finished up facing the Turks across the wire on Nicosia Airport. Medals presented by the General in charge of the UN at the time before we left. Even then we only spent 3 months then. before returning to go to BAOR. Never did get the bar to my GSM for Cyprus
    Regards John Louch.

  17. John, Managed to get mine when I went out with the 16th5th in 1974. We were flown out in a panic and finished up facing the Turks across the wire on Nicosia Airport. Medals presented by the General in charge of the UN at the time before we left. Even then we only spent 3 months then. before returning to go to BAOR. Never did get the bar to my GSM for Cyprus
    Regards John Louch.

  18. John, Managed to get mine when I went out with the 16th5th in 1974. We were flown out in a panic and finished up facing the Turks across the wire on Nicosia Airport. Medals presented by the General in charge of the UN at the time before we left. Even then we only spent 3 months then. before returning to go to BAOR. Never did get the bar to my GSM for Cyprus
    Regards John Louch.

  19. Im confused here,perhaps someone can refresh my memory,we flew out from R.A.F benson as british peace keepers,then became part of the un,my oc was piggy evans,laquery woods was there,where did bradish elames fit in.I can refresh some of your memories by naming some of the L.A.D there,myself, dick glister,charlie stirk,sid fordham, danny whiting i know it was a long time ago but im sure it was c sqn i was att to

  20. Hi John, thanks again for your comments. Were you on attachment with the 16th/5th or did you transfer?

  21. Coggy -- You were with C Sqn. (Maj. Evans) based in Ktima (Paphos) south west Cyprus.

    A Sqn. (Maj. Bradish-Elmes) were based in Episcopi north east Cyprus??

    Regards Doug.


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