I must sadly inform the Association membership of the belated notification of passing of the following members who served with the regiments of the Association:
23215235 Tpr PW NASH (72) who served with The Royal Horse Guards (The Blues) March 1956 to March 1964, sadly died on 05 September 2010. The thoughts of the Association go to his son, John at this difficult time.
O Lord Jesus Christ, who by thy Holy Apostle hast called us to put on the whole armour of God, give thy grace, we pray Thee, to the Royal Horse Guards that we may be thy faithful soldiers and servants and fight manfully under Thy banner, who with the Father and the Holy Ghost livest and reignest one God, world without end.
328648 Tpr Harry Dixon MOFFAT (93) who served with The Royal Dragoons January 1940 to March 1946, sadly passed away on 08 September 2010. Our condolences go to his surviving family at this sad time.
O God, in whose sight all creatures are manifest and to whose eyes all things are open, grant that the works Thou requirest of the 1st The Royal Dragoons may never be done to be seen of men, but always for Thy Glory, and that, waiting on Thee to renew our strength, we mount up with wings as eagles at Thy word, through Jesus Christ Our Lord.
23929138 Tpr Harry (“The Rat”) RATCLIFFE who served with The Royal Horse Guards (The Blues) and The Blues and Royals March 1964 to March 1976, sadly died on 09 September 2010 a funeral service was held at Slough Crematorium on 17 September 2010. The condolences of the Association go to his family at this sad time.
O Lord Jesus Christ who by the Holy Apostle has called us to put on the armour of God and to take the sword of the spirit, give thy grace we pray thee, to the Blues and Royals that we may fight manfully under thy banner against all evil, and waiting on thee to renew our strength, may mount up with wings as eagles, in thy name, who livest and reignest with the Father and the Holy Ghost, ever one God, world without end. Amen.
PF Stretton