Monday, 26 July 2010


I will put up this birthday greetings early to give members time to reply rather put better late than never,

 Many happy returns of the day for the 28th to Mike DeCarteret have a good day and all the best for the future.



  1. Yes Mike, Happy birthday, with so many bithdays this month I've got this bottle of 2001
    Chateau barrat from Bordeaux. I've never tried it before so I'll open it tommorow and drink to all you birthday boys health,should be better than dioxine marrinated cod .Frank

  2. Chateau barrat reminds me of a house I once bought from a builder of the same name ... so even if there isn't an orange band around the label Frank, the name 'barrat' could still leave you with a nasty taste in the mouth! Incidentally, it's not 'dioxine' it's called TCDD Dioxin, a Known Human Carcinogen and whether or not it was Orange, White, Blue, Pink, Green or Purple they were all contaminated with the very same trace amounts of the most toxic 'man made' chemical known to science. Problem at Da Nang was that it was used at 25 times the manufacturers recommended dosage!! Yes, Happy birthday Mike and don't be put-off by all this leg pulling! Cod is Cod, just don't trust vietnamese river cobbler as Vietnam is not subject to the same rigorous Health & Safety checks that we have in the EU... and stick to Navy Rum as you don't have to clean the glasses out afterwards!

    Yours Aye

  3. Thank you very much for this , I will be back in UK for a week staying in Coundon ,Coventry

  4. I am still trying to come to terms with meeting you lot after SO MANY YEARS
    Frank kept us Alert !! what was that !! wait one ? Frank s still talking bloody hell never knew that
    get me a pint ; Im not going to miss the end of this ?
    Love you all

  5. Many Happy Returns of the day tomorrow Mike,not too much of that home-made Sloe-Gin!!!
    Don and Edith

  6. Thank you Don must get some in for you in Sept
    See you soon regards to Edith

  7. Happy returns of the day Mike, enjoy!

  8. Happy birthday Mike do have a good one , and remember do not mix grape and hops, o my head hic


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