Saturday, 17 April 2010

Funeral of James Meikle

I asked Ray Brown if he would please represent members of the BB at the funeral of James, I have received an Email the content of which I will post here when I get back home from my daughters in Lincoln after the weekend.


  1. I am sorry to say gentlemen that the content that I said that I would put up with reference to Jim's funeral from Ray Brown seems to have gone off my in box, I have looked to see if I had deleted it but it doe's not seem to be there either.

  2. Not to worry John.
    Those attending from the band were:

    Alan Warwick
    Bryn Furber
    Ted Pentecost
    Ray Britton
    John Trachy
    Stan Whitworth
    Johnie Jenkins

    ......and there was one other 'Royal' who I can't put a name to - showing his dvd camera to Helene Meikle in the video 'Farewell to Jim'


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