Saturday, 3 April 2010


I have found another ex ROYAL on Forces Reunited he is exCpl/Sgt Edmund White (Chalky) was in the ROYALS 1950--1955 He spent most of his time in C SQN did a bit of boxing for the SQN .
im trying to put a face to the any of you remember him better still has anyone got a photo of him.doing my best to try and get him on the BB


  1. Are you sure about the dates?? There was a Chalky White in C sqn that I remember but that was in the mid 60s

  2. Yes im sure on the dates his name is in the Regimental Mag under C sqn boxing notes and in 1956 Mag it says he left to become a civvy

  3. It could be that he might be related to the Sgt Chalky White that I and Roger Frost (above) knew. You would remember him Derek, he was at Tidworth, and if you go to the other Royals site and look at the photo's, Tidworth 1963 is the heading that I gave it (I think), you will find he is in the photo. Otherwise, it could be just a coincidence.

  4. I remember a Cpl. Chalky White at Wolfenbuttel. If it's the same one he used to call the numbers for the Bingo! It would have been 1949 or 1950. Fred Fearn might remember him, also Neil Michaelagnoli.

  5. TIS cant make out which photo you are on about is it a SQN if you could email it to me and tell me the position of Chalky
    regards derek

  6. Harold the Chalky that was in wolfenbuttel went to Berlin IN 1949 with ASQN he left the army soon after he was promoted SGT

  7. TIS in the EAGLE 1963 there was a SGT WIGHT? 3 troop
    that is not the one DEREK is on about

  8. Thanks Derek, I thought there might have been more than one Chalky W

  9. I knew Sgt Chalky White well,but dates are a bit hazy?Thickset lad,and yes,I think he was a boxer,or was he a coach?

  10. The Sgt. Chalky White I am referring to is in the 'Sgt's Mess 1963' photo in the album on this site. He is in the rear row, far right as you look at it.

  11. TIS thanks for the info but not the Chalky im looking for.the one i need info on joined the ROYALS C SQN in March 1951 and left the Regt in AUGUST 1955 he was a SGT for less than a year before he left..he was a WTI Instructor and took over fron Mush Stanley when Mush got demotted to CPL

  12. No matter how hard I think, I can't get a line on this chap at all.

  13. There was a Sgt Chalky White a Royals D&M instructur at Cattrick
    66/67, his assistant was Paddy Mullins Royals, i have never seen him
    in the Regt though.
    Paddy Henchion

  14. The CHALKY I knew was Trp Sgt first troop "B" Sqn at Herford,and I did my first guard under him in Little 1958.He was still in "B" Sqn then but not certain about which troop.

  15. The Sgt. Chalky White I knew was Tp. Sgt. 3Tp. C Sqn. We flew to Cyprus Jan. 1964 at the request of Makarious. Mick Golding was his driver.
    The Troop was caught up in the Siege at Ktima. Chalky burst his ulcer and was Medevacked out.
    Sgt. Cameron replaced him. Lt. Bols was Tp. Leader, I was Tp. Cpl. and Kennedy was L/Cpl.
    I have a photo somewhere, will try and post it.

    Regards to all. Doug Best.

    p.s. If this comes out wrong, blame Dennis. (lol)

  16. The old 'grey cells' have clicked in. Of course I knew Chalky White. ' 'B' Sqn. Tidworth. It was the mention of ulcers that did it.No, really


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