Hi Guys.
I have been talking to Terry Messer this morning Ref:- the 2009 Reunion he sujests I talk John Mathews as to the Time and place for the Reunion, the hotel nearest to the Event location, so as to the Booking of a room for myself and Pauline my wife,as I am really interested in coming.
I would also like to contact Fred Collingwood as I have been told he could help me to buy a regimental Tie for the occassion, and to use at any other future occassions, I look forward to any help and susjestions to that end.
Best regards to all Ray(brownie)Brown.
and Pauline the light of my Life.
Try Fred here:
Dear Ray, There is a few of us meeting at the Premier Inn near the Arboretum in Leicestishire on the weekend of 27-29 June to talk things over re 2009 and to pay our respects to mates who are no longer with us. Pleased to have You and Yours on board Ray. JohnM
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