Wednesday, 30 November 2011

Love The Irish

Paddy was driving down the street in a sweat because he had an important meeting and couldn't find a parking place. Looking up to heaven he said, 'Lord take pity on me. If you find me a parking place I will go to Mass every Sunday for the rest of me life and give up me Irish Whiskey!'

Miraculously, a parking place appeared.

Paddy looked up again and said, 'Never mind, I found one.'
Father Murphy walks into a pub in Donegal, and asks the first man he meets, 'Do you want to go to heaven?'

The man said, 'I do, Father.'

The priest said, 'Then stand over there against the wall.'

Then the priest asked the second man, 'Do you want to go to heaven?'

'Certainly, Father,' the man replied.

'Then stand over there against the wall,' said the priest.

Then Father Murphy walked up to O'Toole and asked, 'Do you want to go to heaven?'

O'Toole said, 'No, I don't Father.'

The priest said, 'I don't believe this. You mean to tell me that when you die you don't want to go to heaven?'

O'Toole said, 'Oh, when I die , yes. I thought you were getting a group together to go right now.'
Paddy was in New York .

He was patiently waiting and watching the traffic cop on a busy street crossing. The cop stopped the flow of traffic and shouted, 'Okay, pedestrians.' Then he'd allow the traffic to pass.

He'd done this several times, and Paddy still stood on the sidewalk.

After the cop had shouted, 'Pedestrians!' for the tenth time, Paddy went over to him and said, 'Is it not about time ye let the Catholics across?'
Gallagher opened the morning newspaper and was dumbfounded to read in the obituary column that he had died. He quickly phoned his best friend, Finney.

'Did you see the paper?' asked Gallagher. 'They say I died!!'

'Yes, I saw it!' replied Finney. 'Where are ye callin' from?'
An Irish priest is driving down to New York and gets stopped for speeding in Connecticut . The state trooper smells alcohol on the priest's breath and then sees an empty wine bottle on the floor of the car.

He says, 'Sir, have you been drinking?'

'Just water,' says the priest.

The trooper says, 'Then why do I smell wine?'

The priest looks at the bottle and says, 'Good Lord! He's done it again!'
Walking into the bar, Mike said to Charlie the bartender, 'Pour me a stiff one - just had another fight with the little woman.'

'Oh yeah?' said Charlie, 'And how did this one end?'

'When it was over,' Mike replied, 'She came to me on her hands and knees.'

'Really,' said Charles, 'Now that's a switch! What did she say?'

She said, 'Come out from under the bed, you little chicken.'

9 Reasonable Jokes

1. The wife was counting all the 1p's and 2p's out on the kitchen
Table when she suddenly got very angry and started shouting and
Crying for no reason. I thought to myself "She's going through the

2. When I was in the pub I heard a couple of dickheads saying that
They wouldn't feel safe on an aircraft if they knew the pilot was a woman.
What a pair of sexist idiots.
I mean, it's not as if she'd have to reverse the thing!

3. Little Johnny is sitting in geography class when the teacher asks
Him, "Where is Pakistan?" He replies, "Outside playing with

4. Local Police hunting the 'knitting needle nutter' who has stabbed
Six people in the arse in the last 48 hours, they believe the attacker
Could be following some kind of pattern.

5. A teddy bear is working on a building site. He goes for a tea
Break and when he returns he notices his pick has been stolen. The
Bear is angry and reports the theft to the foreman. The foreman grins
At the bear and says "Oh, I forgot to tell you, today's the day the
Teddy bears have their pick nicked."

6. Murphy says to Paddy "What ya talkin to an envelope for?" "I'm
Sending a voicemail ya thick sod!"

7. Just got back from my mate's funeral. He died after being hit on
The head with a tennis ball. It was a lovely service.

8. 19 paddies go to the cinema, the ticket lady asks "Why so many of
You?" Mick replies, "The film said 18 or over."

9. An Asian fellow has moved in next door. He has travelled the
World, swum with sharks, wrestled bears and climbed the highest
Mountain. It came as no surprise to learn his name is Bindair Dundat.

Monday, 28 November 2011

The Great Escape, the sequel:

Don't miss the new TV documentary on Channel4 tonight at 9pm

Friday, 25 November 2011

Denis Sowerby

I have today sent a get well card to Denis, on behalf of all members of the Bulletin Board, will give an update on his progress after I have been in touch with Jean.

John Atkins


Women often receive warnings about protecting themselves at the shopping centre and in dark parking lots, etc.

This is the first warning I have seen for men.

I wanted to pass it on in case you haven't heard about it.
A 'heads up' for those men who may be regular customers at B&Q, Halfords and the like as this caught me totally by surprise.

Over the last couple of months I became a victim of a clever scam while out shopping.

Simply going out to get supplies has turned out to be quite traumatic.

Don't be naive enough to think it couldn't happen to you or your friends.

Here's how the scam works:

Two nice-looking, college-aged girls will come over to your car as you are packing your purchases into your vehicle.
They both start wiping your windscreen with a rag and Windolene, with their breasts almost falling out of their skimpy T-shirts. (It's impossible not to look).

When you thank them and offer them a tip, they say 'No' but instead ask for a ride to McDonald's.

You agree and they climb into the vehicle. On the way, they start undressing. Then one of them starts crawling all over you, unzipping your trousers and distracting you with her mouth while the other one forces her body into your face whilst she steals your wallet.

I had my wallet stolen September 1st, 9th 10th, twice on the 15th, 17th, 20th, 24th, & 29th. Also February 1st & 4th,

Twice on the 8th, 12th, 21st, and very likely again this upcoming weekend.

So tell your friends to be careful. What a horrible way to take advantage of us older men.. Warn your friends to be vigilant.

Tesco has wallets on sale for £2.99 each. I found even cheaper ones for £1.59 at Homebase and bought all the stock in three of their stores.

Also, you never get to eat at McDonald's. I've already lost 11 pounds just running back and forth from B&Q to Halfords etc.

So please, send this on to all the older men that you know and warn them to be on the lookout for this scam. (The best times are just before lunch and around 4:30 in the afternoon.)

Copper Cable Thieves

no policemen hurt. no problems in jail. no attorney. no jury.............justice.
Downtown Dallas...copper thieves were trying to pull a 13,200 volt live wire out of a conduit.
Note the bolt cutter and the copper wire on the ground.
WELL DONE - both of them

Thursday, 24 November 2011

Photo Album 2011-11-24 #2

All Photos aboard U.S.S Intrepid on the Hudson River New York.

Dame Vera Lynn loses brooch given by Field Marshal Montgomery

Dame Vera Lynn, who boosted wartime morale with her popular recordings - lost the distinctive memento during the Remembrance Day service at London's Royal Albert Hall. It had been presented to her at the same venue decades ago by 8th Army commander Monty as thanks for her help with the Second World War effort

Photo Album 2011-11-24

Wednesday, 23 November 2011


You would not credit this. Only in UK would you get a Bank like this one..

Death duty...?

This was reported in the Newcastle Evening Chronicle recently.

Be sure to cancel your credit cards before you die!!!

This is so priceless and so easy to see happening - customer service, being what it is today!

A lady died this past September, and MBNA bank billed her for October and November for their annual service charges on her credit card, and then added late fees and interest on the monthly charge. The balance that had been £0.00, now is somewhere around £60.00.
A family member placed a call to the MBNA Bank:

Family Member:
'I am calling to tell you that she died in September.'

'The account was never closed and the late fees and charges still apply.'

Family Member:
'Maybe, you should turn it over to collections.'

'Since it is two months past due, it already has been.'

Family Member:
So, what will they do when they find out she is dead?'

'Either report her account to the frauds division or report her to the credit bureau, maybe both!'

Family Member:
'Do you think God will be mad at her?'

'Excuse me?'

Family Member:
'Did you just get what I was telling you ..... The part about her being dead?'

'Sir, you'll have to speak to my supervisor.'

Supervisor gets on the phone:

Family Member:
'I'm calling to tell you, she died in September.'

'The account was never closed and the late fees and charges still apply.'

Family Member:
'You mean you want to collect from her estate?'

(Stammer) 'Are you her lawyer?'

Family Member:
'No, I'm her grandson'
(Lawyer info given)

'Could you fax us a certificate of death?'

Family Member:
(fax number is given)

After MBNA gets the fax:

'Our system just isn't set up for death. I don't know what more I can do to help.'

Family Member:
'Well, if you figure it out, great! If not, you could just keep billing her. I don't think she will care.'

'Well, the late fees and charges do still apply.'

Family Member:
'Would you like her new billing address?'

'That might help.'

Family Member:
' Heaton Cemetery , Heaton Road , Newcastle upon Tyne Plot 1049.'

'Sir, that's a cemetery!'

Family Member:
'Well, what the f*** do you do with dead people on your planet?'

MBNA were not available for comment when a reporter from the Newcastle Evening Chronicle rang.

Tuesday, 22 November 2011

What Arab Spring?

Are we joking or are we joking ?

Do you feel safe at night

There's nothing like locking up at night and feeling safe and secure !!

Sunday, 20 November 2011

deck of cards

Here is a new way to look at a deck of cards!!
Please do not delete! You will be glad you didn't.
Deck of Cards

It was quiet that day, the guns and the mortars, and land mines for
some reason hadn't been heard.
The young soldier knew it was Sunday, the holiest day of the week.

As he was sitting there, he got out an old deck of cards and laid them
out across his bunk.

Just then an army sergeant came in and said, 'Why aren't you with the
rest of the platoon?'

The soldier replied, 'I thought I would stay behind and spend some
time with the Lord.'

The sergeant said, 'Looks to me like you're going to play cards.'

The soldier said, 'No, sir . You see, since we are not allowed to have
Bibles or other spiritual books in this country,

I've decided to talk to the Lord by studying this deck of cards.'

The sergeant asked in disbelief, 'How will you do that?'

'You see the Ace, Sergeant? It reminds me that there is only one God.

The Two represents the two parts of the Bible, Old and New Testaments

The Three represents the Father, Son, and the Holy Ghost.

The Four stands for the Four Gospels: Matthew, Mark, Luke and John ..

The Five is for the five virgins there were ten but only five of them
were glorified.

The Six is for the six days it took God to create the Heavens and Earth.

The Seven is for the day God rested after making His Creation.

The Eight is for the family of Noah and his wife, their three sons and
their wives -- the eight people God spared from the flood that
destroyed the Earth..

The Nine is for the lepers that Jesus cleansed of leprosy He cleansed
ten, but nine never thanked Him.

The Ten represents the Ten Commandments that God handed down to Moses
on tablets made of stone.

The Jack is a reminder of Satan, one of God's first angels, but he got
kicked out of heaven for his sly and wicked ways and is now the joker
of eternal hell.

The Queen stands for the Virgin Mary.

The King stands for Jesus, for he is the King of all kings.

When I count the dots on all the cards, I come up with 365 total, one
for every day of the year.

There are a total of 52 cards in a deck; each is a week - 52 weeks in a year.

The four suits represent the four seasons: Spring, Summer, Fall and Winter.

Each suit has thirteen cards -- there are exactly thirteen weeks in a quarter.

So when I want to talk to God and thank Him, I just pull out this old
deck of cards and they remind me of all that I have to be thankful

The sergeant just stood there. After a minute, with tears in his eyes
and pain in his heart, he said, 'Soldier, can I borrow that deck of

Please let this be a reminder and take time to pray for all of our
soldiers who are being sent away, putting their lives on the line

No these are not all MINE!

This is a collection of Vehicles that we plan to work on over the next 10 Years?... Note the German Panther, the Pershing, The Sexton & Sherman plus 2 Stuarts are in full woking order. Mine are the 3 Willy Jeeps. Just completed restoration of M170 Ambulance.

Veterans Day 11/11/11 USA

I have spent the past 8 years as guest of the Town of Walpole MA, at there Veterans day Parade.

Procurement of girls.

This morning I was listening to a report on the BBC News channel which dealt with the problem of young girls being procured for sex. The areas of geographical concern were in the Bolton and Blackburn areas, as well as others in the vicinity.

Some of the girls were as young as 12.

The point of the report was that the vast majority of the adult males involved in the procurement were of Asian descent. Why should they be “honoured” in this way? One of the young Asians interviewed made a valid point. He said that the parents of the Asian girls didn’t let them out at night and always knew where they were.

So was he inferring that we, as British parents didn’t care where or what our children are doing!! So therefore we were responsible for the outcome of the predicament. That we weren’t concerned about the welfare of the young white females.

It seems that most of the young girls are either from a family that have problems, or they are from somewhere like Barnardos.

The report stated that the procurement is organised and that there have been groups of adult male Asians trawling the streets looking for impressionable young females. They have been taking their time in grooming them, by plying them with drink and/or drugs.

I’m not saying that all of the procurement is being done by Asians alone, there have been cases of whites and black doing the same thing.

I think that the Asian thing is due to the fact that back “home” it is not uncommon for a child to be married off at a very young age. We would class it as paedophilia but to the Asian community it is normal.

(I would be most willing to accept your donations for chemical castration kits or blunt knifes whichever is your preference).

Friday, 18 November 2011

A day at the seaside.


No, its not Somalia, Nigeria, Ethiopia, its SOUTHEND ON SEA Saturday the end of July 2011.

OH BRITAIN, where did we go wrong ?

We're "broke" and can't help our own Seniors, Veterans, Orphans, Homeless etc.

Are you aware of the following?

The British Government provides the following financial assistance: -

BRITISH OLD AGED PENSIONER Weekly allowance £104.


BRITISH OLD AGED PENSIONER Weekly Spouse allowance £25


BRITISH OLD AGED PENSIONER Additional weekly hardship allowance £0;00

ILLEGAL IMMIGRANTS / REFUGEES LIVING IN BRITAIN Additional weekly hardship allowance £100



We need to lobby for a decent aged pension.

After all, the average pensioner has paid taxes and contributed to the growth of this country for the last 40 to 60 years.

Sad isn't it?

Todays Government

Have to be honest with you all!!

 I would like to share with you an experience that I recently had regarding drinking and driving.
As you would know, most of us have had brushes with the law on our way home at one time or another. Well I for one have done something about it.
The other night I was out for dinner and a few drinks with some friends. Having had a few too many single malts and knowing full well I was struggling, I did something I've never done before. I took a bus home.
I arrived home safely and without incident, which was a real surprise as I have never driven a bus before.


Read the text before watching the video

F-35 unintentional loop at takeoff on a carrier.

This guy clearly has brass and you know the sailors on the flight deck had a cow when they saw this unfold in front of them. Intentional? Hardly!
This is unbelievable!

F-35 unintentional loop at takeoff a real "check your laundry" event.
A supremely well-trained US Navy pilot, ice running in his veins instead of blood, fully regains control of his $70 million,
F-35 joint strike force fighter, after a problematic vertical take-off attempt... Watch as the rear vertical thruster fires to cause the problem.

There's nothing about this the pilot enjoys. If he could have ejected at 100' upside down and lived, he would have.
Looks like the afterburner kicks in while still vectored for vertical takeoff. Lockheed would call this a "software malfunction" and
do a little more "regressive testing". This is a good demonstration of power-to-weight ratio of this aircraft! And talk about stability control... wow!

If he didn't come out of the loop wings-level, it probably would have been bad news; maybe taking some of the carrier with him!
Add to this flying through your own exhaust, which can lead to equipment malfunctions, as in "flame out".

The F-35 is single engine aircraft with vertical takeoff/landing capability, but it has the aerodynamics of a Steinway piano at zero airspeed.
This is the most unbelievable piece of flying you will ever see in your life.

This guy's coolness saved a 70 million-dollar aircraft! On the other hand, he might not have had time to react to anything except just ride it.




The following is a copy of an article written by Spanish writer
Sebastian Vilar Rodriguez and published in a Spanish newspaper on Jan. 15 2008. It doesn't take much imagination to extrapolate the
message to the rest of Europe - and possibly to the rest of the world.

Date: Tue. 15 January 2008 14:30
By Sebastian Vilar Rodriguez

I walked down the street in Barcelona, and suddenly discovered a
terrible truth - Europe died in Auschwitz ... We killed six million
Jews and replaced them with 20 million Muslims. In Auschwitz we
burned a culture, thought, creativity, talent. We destroyed the
chosen people, truly chosen, because they produced great and
wonderful people who changed the world.

The contribution of this people is felt in all areas of life:
science, art, international trade, and above all, as the conscience
of the world.

These are the people we burned.

And under the pretense of tolerance, and because we wanted to prove
to ourselves that we were cured of the disease of racism, we opened
our gates to 20 million Muslims, who brought us stupidity and
ignorance, religious extremism and lack of tolerance, crime and
poverty, due to an unwillingness to work and support their families
with pride.

They have blown up our trains and turned our beautiful Spanish
cities into the third world, drowning in filth and crime.

Shut up in the apartments they receive free from the government,
they plan the murder and destruction of their naive hosts.

And thus, in our misery, we have exchanged culture for fanatical
hatred, creative skill for destructive skill, intelligence for
backwardness and superstition.

We have exchanged the pursuit of peace of the Jews of Europe and
their talent for a better future for their children, their
determined clinging to life because life is holy, for those who
pursue death, for people consumed by the desire for death for
themselves and others, for our children and theirs.

What a terrible mistake was made by miserable Europe ..
A lot of Americans have become so insulated from reality that they
imagine America can suffer defeat without any inconvenience to

Recently, the UK debated whether to remove The Holocaust from its
school curriculum because it 'offends' the Muslim population which
claims it never occurred. It is not removed as yet. However, this is
a frightening portent of the fear that is gripping the world and how
easily each country is giving in to it.

It is now more than 60 years after the Second World War in Europe ended.
This e-mail is being sent as a memorial chain, in memory of the, 6
million Jews, 20 million Russians, 10 million Christians, and 1,900
Catholic priests who were 'murdered, raped, burned, starved, beaten,
experimented on and humiliated.' Now, more than ever, with Iran,
among others, claiming the Holocaust to be 'a myth,' it is
imperative to make sure the world never forgets.

This e-mail is intended to reach 400 million people. Be a link in
the memorial chain and help distribute this around the world.
How many years will it be before the attack on the World Trade
Center 'NEVER HAPPENED' because it offends some Muslim in the United
States ?

Do not just delete this message; it will take only a minute to pass
this along. Wake up America before it's too late!

12 of the finest double-entendres ever aired on British TV and radio

1. Ted Walsh - Horse Racing Commentator - 'This is really a lovely horse. I once rode her mother.'

2. New Zealand Rugby Commentator - 'Andrew Mehrtens loves it when Daryl Gibson comes inside of him.'

3.. Pat Glenn, weightlifting commentator - 'And this is Gregoriava from Bulgaria .. I saw her snatch this morning and it was amazing!'

4. Harry Carpenter at the Oxford-Cambridge boat race 1977 - 'Ah, isn't that nice. The wife of the Cambridge President is kissing the Cox of the Oxford crew.'

5. US PGA Commentator - 'One of the reasons Arnie ( Arnold Palmer) is playing so well is that, before each tee shot, his wife takes out his balls and kisses them .. Oh my god !! What have I just said??'

6. Carenza Lewis about finding food in the Middle Ages on 'Time Team Live' said: 'You'd eat beaver if you could get it.'

7. A female news anchor who, the day after it was supposed to have snowed and didn't, turned to the weatherman and asked, 'So Bob, where's that eight inches you promised me last night?' Not only did HE have to leave the set, but half the crew did too, because they were laughing so hard!

8. Steve Ryder covering the US Masters: 'Ballesteros felt much better today after a 69 yesterday.'

9. Clair Frisby talking about a jumbo hot dog on 'Look North' said: 'There's nothing like a big hot sausage inside you on a cold night like this. '

10 Mike Hallett discussing missed snooker shots on 'Sky Sports': 'Stephen Hendry jumps on Steve Davis's misses every chance he gets.'

11. Michael Buerk on watching Philippa Forrester cuddle up to a male astronomer for warmth during BBC1's UK eclipse coverage remarked: 'They seem cold out there. They're rubbing each other and he's only come in his shorts.'

12. Ken Brown commentating on golfer Nick Faldo and his caddie Fanny Sunneson lining-up shots at the Scottish Open: 'Some weeks Nick likes to use Fanny; other weeks he prefers to do it by himself.'

One pint and you're flying

"Spare a thought for Michael O’Leary, Chief Executive of 'Ryanair'.......
Arriving in a hotel in Dublin, he went to the bar and asked for a pint of
draught Guinness. The barman nodded and said, "That will be one Euro
please, Mr. O’Leary."
Somewhat taken aback, O'Leary replied, "That's very cheap," and handed over
his money.
"Well, we try to stay ahead of the competition", said the
barman. "And we are serving free pints every Wednesday evening
from 6 until 8. We have the cheapest beer in Ireland"
"That is remarkable value" Michael comments
"I see you don't seem to have a glass, so you'll probably need one of ours.
That will be 3 euro please."
O'Leary scowled, but paid up. He took his drink and walked towards a seat.
"Ah, you want to sit down?" said the barman. "That'll be an extra 2 euro. -
You could have pre-book the seat, and it would have only cost you a Euro."
"I think you may to be too big for the seat sir, can I ask you to sit in this
frame please"
Michael attempts to sit down but the frame is too small and when he can't squeeze in
he complains "Nobody would fit in that little frame".
"I'm afraid if you can't fit in the frame you'll have to pay an extra surcharge of €4.00
for your seat sir"
O'Leary swore to himself, but paid up. "I see that you have brought your
laptop with you" added the barman. "And since that wasn't pre-booked
either, that will be another 3 euro."
O'Leary was so annoyed that he walked back to the bar, slammed his drink on
the counter, and yelled, "This is ridiculous, I want to speak to the
"Ah, I see you want to use the counter," says the barman, "that will
be 2 euro please." O'Leary's face was red with rage.
"Do you know who I am?"
"Of course I do Mr. O'Leary,"
"I've had enough, What sort of Hotel is this? I come in for a quiet drink
and you treat me like this. I insist on speaking to a manager!"
"Here is his E mail address, or if you wish, you can contact him between 9 and 9.10
every morning, Monday to Tuesday at this free phone number. Calls are free,
until they are answered, then there is a talking charge of only 10 cent per second"
"I will never use this bar again"
"OK sir, but remember, we are the only hotel in Ireland selling pints for one Euro".


A couple were invited to a swanky costume party. Unfortunately, the wife came

down with a terrible headache and told her husband to go to the party alone.

He being a devoted husband protested, but she argued and said she was going

to take some aspirin and go to bed, and there was no need for his good time

being spoiled by not going.

So he took his costume and away he went. The wife, after sleeping soundly for

about an hour, awakened without pain and, as it was still early enough, decided

to go to the party.

Since her husband did not know what her costume was, she thought she would

have some fun by watching her husband to see how he acted when she was not

with him. She joined the party and soon spotted her husband cavorting around

on the dance floor, dancing with every nice woman he could, and copping a little

touch here and a little kiss there.

His wife sidled up to him and, being a rather seductive babe herself, he left his

current partner high and dry and devoted his time to the new babe who had just

arrived. She let him go as far as he wished ... naturally, since he was her


Finally, he whispered a little proposition in her ear and she agreed. So off they

went to one of the cars and had a quickie.

Just before unmasking at midnight, she slipped away, went home, put the

costume away, and got into bed, wondering what kind of explanation he would

make for his behavior. She was sitting up reading when he came in, and she

asked what kind of a time he had.

He said: "Oh, the same old thing. You know I never have a good time when

you're not there."

- "Did you dance much?"

- "You know, I never even danced one dance. When I got there, I met Pete,

Bill Browning, and some other guys, so we went into the den and played

poker all evening. But you're not going to believe what happened to the

guy I loaned my costume to..."

Irish Alzheimers.....

Murphy showed up at Mass one Sunday & the priest almost fell down when he saw him. He'd never been to church in his life.

After Mass, the priest caught up with him & said, "Murphy, I am so glad ya decided to come to Mass. What made ya come?"

Murphy said, "I got to be honest with you Father, a while back, I misplaced me hat & I really, really love that hat. I know that McGlynn had a hat just like mine & I knew he came to church every Sunday. I also knew that he had to take off his hat during Mass & figured he would leave it in the back of church. So, I was going to leave after Communion & steal McGlynn's hat."

The priest said, "Well, Murphy, I notice that ya didn't steal McGlynn's hat. What changed your mind?"

Murphy replied, "Well, after I heard your sermon on the 10 Commandments, I decided that I didn't need to steal McGlynn's hat after all."

With a tear in his eye the priest gave Murphy a big smile & said, "After I talked about 'Thou Shalt Not Steal' ya decided you would rather do without your hat than burn in Hell?"

Murphy slowly shook his head. "No, Father, after ya talked about 'Thou Shalt Not Commit Adultery' I remembered where I left me hat ."

Wednesday, 16 November 2011

Tuesday, 15 November 2011


As requested, a British Royal Air Force pilot flies up to the back door of a C-130 (Hercules) for a photo op.

He radios, "How much closer do you want me?"




They radio, "How much closer can you get?" 








Pilot Radios, ”Close enough?” ...

Response, "That'll do!"


Ray welcome to the BB .RAY is the son of Cpl Brummie Harris

and im sure many of you will remember him as a great Cook and a man who loved his Beer

regards derek leese


Always take a small fridge magnet
on your holiday; Or business trip. it will come in handy at the end of it.

This is pretty good info. Never even thought
about key cards containing anything other
than an access code for the room!


Ever wonder what is on your magnetic key

a. Customer's name
B. Customer's partial home address
c. Hotel room number
d. Check-in date and out dates
e. Customer's credit card number and expiration date!

When you turn them in to the front desk your
personal information is there for any employee
to access by simply scanning the card in the
hotel scanner. An employee can take a hand full
of cards home and using a scanning device, access
the information onto a laptop computer and go
shopping at your expense.

Simply put, hotels do not erase the information
on these cards until an employee reissues the
card to the next hotel guest. At that time, the
new guest's information is electronically 'over-
written' on the card and the previous guest's
information is erased in the overwriting process.

But until the card is rewritten for the next guest,
it usually is kept in a drawer at the front desk

The bottom line is:
Keep the cards, take them
home with you, or destroy them. NEVER leave them
behind in the room or room wastebasket, and
NEVER turn them into the front desk when you
check out of a room. They will not charge you for the card
(it's illegal) and you'll be sure you are not leaving
a lot of valuable personal information on it that could
be easily lifted off with any simple scanning device
card reader.

For the same reason, if you arrive at the airport and
discover you still have the card key in your pocket,
do not toss it in an airport trash basket. Take it home
and destroy it by cutting it up, especially through the
electronic information strip!

If you have a small magnet,
pass it across the magnetic
strip several times. Then try it in the door, it will not
work. It erases everything on the card.

Information courtesy of: Metropolitan Police Service.

Monday, 14 November 2011

Photo's sent in by Tony Mustoes Family

I have been asked by Brian Allen to post these photo's on the site for him, which were sent to him by the family of Tony with a message from Katie.

Just a quick note to say Mum, Dad, Joan And Myself went to a lovely remembrance service today from the pictures you may recognize where we are?

You may recognize one name in particular on one of the photo's?

All ok in Weymouth.

Kind Regards Katie

Geordie 364

I see Denis is going into hospital this time next week and I, and I'm sure all of us old Dragoons, would like to send him all best wishes and hope he makes a speedy recovery.

All the best Denis,


Welcome to John Dufton

A warm welcome to the Bulletin Board to John Dufton ID (canvey), John was in B Sqn in the 60's, I hope that John will fill us all in with the details once he is familiar with the BB.

 John Atkins



Sunday, 13 November 2011

Maybe they should do this ???

If you don't like our country (GO HOME)

Memorial Service

I was watching the Rememberance Service on the TV this morning. During the LAST POST as the cameras were panning through the ex-service men waiting to parade past the Memorial, I saw a ROYALS cap badge, it was only a fleeting glance, but I think I saw FRED COLLINGWOOD, maybe he can confirm that he was on PARADE.

Saturday, 12 November 2011


Congrats. to our own Ex-Royal Dragoon. Peter (Yorkie) Strachan.
Voted in as National Secretary to the Aden Veterans Association.

Best Wishes Yorkie. Doug.

Tuesday, 8 November 2011


Many happy returns of the day on the 9th to Cedric Auty, hoping that you do not have a lonely birthday up on the island or maybe you will have a big birthday bash with the locals, anyway what ever have a good one.

 With all best wishes to you,

 John Atkins

HEALTH WARNING: Don't watch on a NAFFI BREAK !!!

Monday, 7 November 2011


This video I believe was taken during the last part of the Iraq conflict. The Americans had deployed electronic devices that were able to pin-point the area where mortars or artillery was fired from.

Allah called this one HOME.

APPLICATION No. 2 Image Resizing.

Most of us have a digital camera now.
How about when you try to send your images to someone, especially when you want to send several at the same time.

You sit and wait for the file transfer to take place only to find that your ISP sends a return that the file size is to large, or you might be on a limited upload/download package. Very frustrating and time wasting.

PIXresizer is a free image resizer. I use PIXresizer to easily create web and e-mail friendly versions of images with reduced file sizes. The reduced files are saved in a different folder, so your original images are not altered at all.

PIXresizer offers several different resizing methods to choose from and can automatically recognize image sizes to calculate the best fit. In addition, it can convert between image formats (JPEG, GIF, BMP, PNG and TIFF), rotate images, convert to grayscale and resize multiple images in batch mode.

I send images to all of my friends or relatives all over the world which they can download without having to wait for ever for the transfer to complete.

Again this is a free download and well worth playing around with.

If you post your images to the BB the file size is reduced and will load much quicker on the board.

Report of the death of Patrick (Paddy) Mullins.

Dear Member of The Blues and Royals Association,

I must sadly report that 23875670 Cpl Patrick Joseph (Paddy) MULLINS (71) who served with The Royal Dragoons and then The Blues and Royals between October 1961 - October 1970, passed away in hospital in Kilkenny, Eire on 6 November 2011. He had been ill with cancer for some time.

A Funeral Service will be held on Tuesday 8th Nov after 11am requiem mass at The Cathedral Church of St Canice, The Close, Coach Rd, Kilkenny City, Ireland and then to Foulkstown Cemetery.

Family flowers only, donations, if desired, to The Friends of St. Luke's Hospital, Kilkenny.

The sincere condolences of The Blues and Royals Association go to his wife Nancy, children Marianne, Brian, Jane and all family and friends at this difficult time.


O Lord Jesus Christ who by the Holy Apostle has called us to put on the armour of God and to take the sword of the spirit, give thy grace we pray thee, to the Blues and Royals that we may fight manfully under thy banner against all evil, and waiting on thee to renew our strength, may mount up with wings as eagles, in thy name, who livest and reignest with the Father and the Holy Ghost, ever one God, world without end. Amen.

Sunday, 6 November 2011


This is a book you will not want to put down!.....


I just added a review Re - SOLDIERS by Richard Holmes. I know you will all enjoy reading it. Just published this year. It is Richards last publication as he died suddenly in April 2011 from pneumonia.

Richard Holmes joined the territorial Army in 1964, and served for over 35 years, retiring as Brigadier and Britains most senior reservist. He was Colonel of the Princess of Wales's Royal Regt from 1999 until 2007.


Genre: History
Author:Richard Holmes
We have all read many books about Army & Regt history. I've enjoyed all of Richard Holmes books. This one I've not been able to put down. There is mention of the Royals back as far as 1764. Fascinating reading.

PC Applications

Sometime ago I had this application recommended to me.

I'm not sure how you personally go about making sure that your PC is running to its full potential.

Some of you I'm sure know your way around a PC to keep it running smoothly and without problems, but others wonder why their system is running very slow. It might seem to take forever to do anything.

Have a look at this application, I use it all the time. It cleans out all of the IE browser files that accumalate everytime you go on the internet, fixes any problems you have in the registry entries, and other things that would take you forever to remove manually.

It's a free download for the basic version but is still worth using every few days to keep the system clean, just like getting ready for a C I V.

The site address is listed below.



The soldier stood and faced God,

Which must always come to pass.
He hoped his shoes were shining,
Just as brightly as his brass.

'Step forward now, you soldier,
How shall I deal with you ?
Have you always turned the other cheek ?
To My Church have you been true?'

The soldier squared his shoulders and said,
'No, Lord, I guess I ain't.
Because those of us who carry guns,
Can't always be a saint.

I've had to work most Sundays,
And at times my talk was tough.
And sometimes I've been violent,
Because the world is awfully rough.

But, I never took a penny,
That wasn't mine to keep...
Though I worked a lot of overtime,
When the bills got just too steep.

And I never passed a cry for help,
Though at times I shook with fear.
And sometimes, God, forgive me,
I've wept unmanly tears.

I know I don't deserve a place,
Among the people here.
They never wanted me around,
Except to calm their fears.

If you've a place for me here, Lord,
It needn't be so grand.
I never expected or had too much,
But if you don't, I'll understand.

There was a silence all around the throne,
Where the saints had often trod.
As the soldier waited quietly,
For the judgment of his God.

'Step forward now, you soldier,
You've borne your burdens well.
Walk peacefully on Heaven's streets,
You've done your time in Hell.'

Author Unknown~

A Letter to Mr. Cameron

Absolutely fantastic, so simple but might affect those wishy-washy
liberal do gooders who are the bane of our current society

Dear Mr. Cameron,

Please find below our suggestion for fixing the UK 's economy.

Instead of giving billions of pounds to banks that will squander the money
on lavish parties and unearned bonuses, use the following plan.

You can call it the Patriotic Retirement Plan:

There are about 10 million people over 50 in the work force.

Pay them £1 million each severance for early retirement with the following

1) They MUST retire.
Ten million job openings - unemployment fixed

2) They MUST buy a new British car.
Ten million cars ordered - Car Industry fixed

3) They MUST either buy a house or pay off their mortgage -
Housing Crisis fixed

4) They MUST send their kids to school/college/university -
Crime rate fixed

5) They MUST buy £100 WORTH of alcohol/tobacco a week .....
And there's your money back in duty/tax etc
It can't get any easier than that!

P.S. If more money is needed, have all members of parliament pay back their
falsely claimed expenses and second home allowances

If you think this would work, please forward to everyone you know.

Let's put the pensioners in jail and the criminals in a nursing home.

This way the pensioners would have access to showers, hobbies and walks.

They'd receive unlimited free prescriptions, dental and medical treatment,
wheel chairs etc and they'd receive money instead of paying it out.

They would have constant video monitoring, so they could be helped
instantly, if they fell, or needed assistance.

Bedding would be washed twice a week, and all clothing would be ironed and
returned to them.

A guard would check on them every 20 minutes and bring their meals and
snacks to their cell.

They would have family visits in a suite built for that purpose.

They would have access to a library, weight room, spiritual counselling,
pool and education.

Simple clothing, shoes, slippers, PJ's and legal aid would be free, on
Private, secure rooms for all, with an exercise outdoor yard, with gardens.

Each senior could have a PC a TV radio and daily phone calls.

There would be a board of directors to hear complaints, and the guards would
have a code of conduct that would be strictly adhered to.

The criminals would get cold food, be left all alone and unsupervised.
Lights off at 8pm, and showers once a week. Live in a tiny room and pay
£600.00 per week and have no hope of ever getting out.

Think about this (more points of contention):

Is it just me, or does anyone else find it amazing that during the mad cow
epidemic our government could track a single cow, born in Appleby almost
three years ago, right to the stall where she slept in the county of

And, they even tracked her calves to their stalls. But they are unable to
locate 125,000 illegal immigrants wandering around our country. Maybe we
should give each of them a cow.

Think about this ... If you don't want to forward this for fear of offending
someone -- YOU ARE PART OF THE PROBLEM! It is time for us grumpy old folk of
Britain to speak up!